Projects in Chile

"Research for survival" - 3rd and 4th year

La Serena November 21, 2023. In 2021 and 2022, researchers carried out the "Research for Survival" project on behalf of Sphenisco with great success. The group led by Dr. Alejandro Simeone, University Andrés Bello, Santiago was responsible for counting, the group led by Dr. Guillermo Luna, University Católica del Norte, Coquimbo for monitoring breeding success, the group led by Dr. Thomas Mattern and Dr. Ursula Ellenberg, NZ Penguin Initiative, University of Otago, Dunedin for foraging studies. The contractual partner of the project was the University Andrés Bello, Santiago, it was funded by the Species Conservation Foundation Zoo Karlsruhe, the Zoo Dresden and the Association of Friends of Hagenbeck Zoo (see "Projects Chile" June 4, 2021, November 28, 2021, April 18, 2022, July 22, 2022, July 23, 2023, January 1, 2023 and July 9, 2023 on these pages).

As planned from the outset, work will continue in 2023 and 2024. The new contract entitled "Research and Development Agreement" between Andrés Bello University and Sphenisco is ready to be signed in November.

11th International Penguin Congress

Viña del Mar, Landau, September 17, 2023 – From September 4th to 9th, experts from all over the world met in Viña del Mar, Chile for the 11th International Penguin Congress. More than 200 scientists and experts in the conservation of various penguin species presented and discussed new research results in 75 lectures and 86 poster presentations. Alejandro Simeone (Universidad Andrés Bello), Juliana Vianna (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) and Guillermo Luna-Jorquera (Universidad Católica del Norte) were responsible for the local organization. 

Seminar "Environmental Education for Sustainability"

Landau September 11, 2023

On August 17 and 18 Sphenisco-Chile organized the two-day seminar "Environmental Education for Sustainability in and with the Humboldt Archipelago" in Chungungo, municipality of La Higuera. The objective was to promote environmental education in the schools of the Coquimbo region, particularly in the schools of the municipality of La Higuera. The municipality of La Higuera includes the Humboldt Archipelago and the correspondent marine protected area, for which currently an approval procedure is in process. The pedagogues also seized the opportunity of the workshop to visit Chungungo Bay, the area that is most threatened by the planned port and desalination projects. For most of the 12 teachers, the seminar was a continuation of last year's workshop. The meeting was held at the headquarters of Agua Potable Rural (rural drinking water supply), and the training was sponsored by the Neumünster Zoo.

Government decides on marine protected area Humboldt Archipelago

Santiago, Landau 14th August 2023. The Council of Ministers for Sustainability unanimously decided on 11 August to protect the Humboldt Archipelago as "Área Marina Costera Protegida de Múltiples Usos, AMCP-MU" (marine protected area with different uses). Unlike a marine park, where only research and observation activities can be carried out, activities with a low environmental impact such as artisanal fishing and tourism are allowed in an AMCP-MU. 

Marine Protected Zone - Two Steps Forward, One Step Back?

La Serena, Landau July 13, 2023. On Thursday, 6 July, in Chañaral de Aceituno, the Ministries of Environment of the Coquimbo and Atacama regions presented a new proposal for a multi-use marine protected area (AMCP-MU) for the Humboldt Archipelago. The meeting was attended by representatives of municipalities, fishermen and environmental and cultural organisations. The category "multi-use marine protected area" refers to a severely limited, i.e. rather low, protection. Its objectives include the conservation of biodiversity, the protection of ecosystems, endangered marine species and their habitats, and the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of the marine and coastal communities of this area.

New findings on population, breeding success and foraging

Santiago, Landau 9th July 2023.

In recent years, Chilean and New Zealand researchers Alejandro Simeone, Guillermo Luna, Ursula Ellenberg and Thomas Mattern have conducted studies on the population, breeding success and foraging of Humboldt penguins on behalf of Sphenisco. The extensive and costly research work was financially supported by the Species Conservation Foundation Karlsruhe Zoo, the Friends of Hagenbeck Zoo and Dresden Zoo. The slogan "Research for Survival" has been repeatedly reported on these pages ("Projects Chile", July 2022 and "News", February 2023). Now the researchers present their approach and results in the final report "Investigations of the population and foraging behaviour of Humboldt penguins in Chile": „… During the breeding seasons 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 (October to December), we studied the breeding population of the Humboldt penguin (Spheniscus humboldti) on 10 islands along the coast of north-central Chile. The islands vary greatly in area, from 3 ha (Islote Pájaro Niño) to 516 ha (Chañaral), and in population, from 35 breeding pairs (Islote Ramadas) to 729 breeding pairs (Isla Chachagua). The total population was estimated at 2,511 breeding pairs.

Rejection of Dominga

SEA publishes resolution with the technical reasons against the mining project and affirms that it cannot be carried out. SEA publishes the official document with the arguments of the ministerial committee that rejected the project in January 2023. 


Alianza Humboldt hopes that this decision will put a definitive end to the company's aspirations.

Public comment on the decision of the Antofagasta Court of Appeal

La Serena 18th May 2023.

With misleading information they want to force the Dominga project on us. Tendentious publications point out that the Court of Appeal gave "support" to the Dominga project even though the Committee of Ministers rejected it.

Today we Celebrate, Tomorrow we Fight for a Marine Protection Zone

Landau 25 January 2023. On 18 January, the Committee of Ministers (1) approved 12 appeals against the Dominga mining and port project and unanimously rejected the controversial project. 

Before the decision, supporters and critics were very active. The broad alliance Alianza Humboldt invited to the cultural campaign "Music and Protest – No to Dominga" on the Plaza de Armas in La Serena. In the more than 4-hour program, very different artists performed. The performances in front of several hundred people were complemented by speeches by representatives from Chungungo and Punta de Choros, Alianza Humboldt and regional authorities. The speakers reaffirmed their commitment to a marine protection zone and a Humboldt Archipelago free of megaprojects.


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