Landau, 13th April 2023
+++Continuation and expansion of the "Research for Survival" project+++
Currently, the head of the research project, Dr Alejandro Simeone, is working on the final report on the population, breeding success and foraging of Humboldt penguins in the Humboldt Archipelago. The results from the years 2021 and 2022 are significant, provide in part completely new insights into Humboldt penguins and are also politically relevant (see reports on this page). In consultation with the researchers, Sphenisco not only plans to continue the work for another 2 years until 2024, but even to extend it. In this way, the temporal and spatial overlap of the foraging activities of Humboldt penguins with fishing activities. be analysed. This analysis of existing and future data may be used as a basis for fisheries management in the Humboldt Archipelago. The aim of such
management would be for fishermen and penguins to "stay out of each other's way" or for possible contacts are minimised.
In addition, the foraging studies will be extended to important, particularly endangered breeding sites such as Isla Pajaros and Isla Tilgo. Since the time window for this work is limited, consideration is being given to acquiring and using additional GPS loggers and cameras and use them.
The next examinations are planned for June or July, but are unfortunately subject to change. Because of bird flu, it is currently forbidden to enter breeding islands, and all contact between birds and humans is to be prevented. The authorities are additionally alarmed and want to measures because a bird farmer from Antofagasta has fallen ill with bird flu.
+++Dissemination of research results+++
Currently, Nancy Duman and Karen Quezada are trying to disseminate the results of the
project „Research for Survival“ (Field Report February 2022 and Tilgo Report 2020) and to promote the protection of previously unprotected islands, especially Isla Tilgo. Therefore
the staff proposed to the regional Ministry of Environment and the bi-regional Committee a marine protected area (AMCP-MU), to inform about the results in a workshop and to discuss possible consequences.
+++Social media campaign+++
At the beginning of April, "Alianza Humboldt - Coquimbo Atacama" and "Sphenisco Chile" launched the campaign "Residents defend and protect the Humboldt Archipelago". The aim of the campaign is to raise public, official and political awareness for the preservation of the Humboldt Archipelago before important upcoming decisions - declaration of amarine protection zone and adoption of a utilisation plan for the coastal regions. In cooperation with a professional agency, regular reports, press releases, photo reports and short videos in social media such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and newspapers will be published. The focus of the coverage in April is the village of Chungungo and in May Caletta Los Hornos.
+++The Yunko Returns to Chañaral+++
A growing chick proves the success of the Peruvian Diving Petrel (Pelecanoides garnotii) reintroduction project at the largest historical nesting site in Chile. For the first time in more than 40 years, a chick of the Peruvian Diving Petrel has hatched on the island of Chañaral. The reintroduction was achieved using the method of "social attraction", and is a great success for species conservation on an island that was once devastated by invasive foxes and rabbits.
As a reminder, in 2009/2010, the eradication of invasive species on islands in the Humboldt Archipelago was supported by SPHENISCO. A small contribution to a large and long-term project. ( goal=0_778049eff2-5b865e38ce-127657061)
+++Environmental education and research on breeding success+++
The work of our partner Acorema in the schools of the Pisco region and on breeding success on the Ballestas Islands could not be carried out as planned due to the political unrest. Señora Milagros has announced that Acorema will soon report on both projects.
+++Sphenisco mourns Gabriele+++
On March 21, Gabriele Knauf, the chairwoman of Sphenisco, died. (see news on these pages).
+++Sphenisco at a backyard flea market+++
In the neighbourhood of Isa Karbstein and Volker Eggert in Nuremberg, there is an annual backyard flea market. Many neighbours open their backyards and dawdle. A pleasant, friendly event. You can look into the courtyards, meet neighbours and sell and buy pointless stuff. Our members Isa and Volker regularly participate. During the year, they collect junk that they actually no longer need, but also do not have the heart to throw it away. Since Isa and Volker are known in their circle of friends and acquaintances as "penguin-crazy", they accumulate countless "penguin-devotional objects“. Figurines, stuffed animals, salt shakers, etc.. There seem to be only a few items that do not also exist in a variant with penguin.
Now Isa and Volker have decided to offer a Sphenisco/Penguin sales table for the first time in April, on the occasion of World Penguin Day, The proceeds from all the things with "Penguin on it" will be donated to Sphenisco. A friend creates jewellery, has designed pretty penguin earrings and pendants and also provides them available. Add a couple of bottles of penguin wine and penguin photographs on high-quality paper and the "attractive" sales stand is ready.
+++Podcast on the WPT-2023+++
For some time now, Frankfurt Zoo has been promoting species conservation with the conservation podcast "Hinterm Zoo gehts weiter" for the protection of species. For this year's World Penguin Day, presenter Marco Dinter wants to organise his own podcast episode on Sphenisco and the work in Chile and Peru.
- reduced PayPal fee
The PayPal account of Sphenisco received the status of a confirmed non-profit
organization and therefore benefits from the reduced fee of 1.5% + 0.35 € for
- Ouwehand Zoo Foundation
For more than 10 years, ACOREMA has been designing environmental education in Peru on behalf of SPHENISCO. The Dutch Ouwehands Dierenpark, the Rhenen Zoo supports with the help of the Ouwehand Zoo Foundation nature conservation, species preservation and nature education. Since 2020, the foundation has also support the educational project "We want to live" in Peru. In December, the grant agreement was extended for a further year until the end of 2023.
- Donations from members and supporters
The Species Conservation Foundation Karlsruhe Zoo again supported the project "Research for Survival" in Chile. Generous donations were also received from Paultons Park amusement park in England, the zoological gardens in Bremerhaven, Krefeld, Munich and the Friends of the Landau Zoo.
Kathrin Ballenthin, Barbara Toth, Meike Kagel and Garry York also made donations.
A big thank you to all donors!
W. K.
translated by Claudia Fawer